...Karma Yoga can not be preached, but it can be understood and practiced...

"मेरे कर्म के अतिरिक्त इस संसार में मेरा अस्तित्व कुछ भी नहीं"
"मेरा कर्म वह नहीं है जो मैं स्वयं के लिए करता हूँ, मेरा कर्म वह है जो मैं दूसरों लिए करता हूँ।"
"I have no existence in this world except for my karma"
" My karma is not what I do for myself, my karma is what I do for others."
मात्र निस्वार्थ भाव से की गई सेवा ही कर्मयोग के अंतर्गत आती है।
जिस सेवा कार्य के पीछे ख्याति, प्रशंसा सम्मान, धन, शक्ति, स्वामित्व अथवा पुण्य पाने अथवा उसे स्वीकार करने की इच्छा हो, वह कार्य कर्मयोग के अंतर्गत नहीं आता।
इन सब का बोझ एक कर्मयोगी को उठाना पड़ सकता है किंतु इन से लगाव रखना अथवा इन से प्रेरित होना उसका उद्देश्य अथ्वा चरित्र नहीं हो सकता।
Only a completely selfless act of giving can qualify as an act of Karma yoga.
Any act that is driven by the desire or the expectation to acquire or accept name, fame, praise, financial and positional authority or divine blessings, does not come under the ambit of Karma yoga.
"बोध अथवा ज्ञान वह ध्वनि है जिसे मात्र मौन अवस्था का अनुशासित आचरण ही उत्पन्न कर सकता है"
"Knowledge is the sound that only a disciplined practice of silence can make"
कर्मयोगी - Karma Yogi
"If I speak or write whatever everybody else is speaking and writing, then as an author, thinker and orator, I am not doing justice to my job."
"यदि मैं भी वही सब कहूँ और लिखूँ जो सब कह रहे हैं और लिख रहे हैं तो कदाचित एक लेखक, विचारक एवं वक्ता के रूप में मैं अपना उत्तरदायित्व उचित एवं अपेक्षित रूप से नहीं निभा रहा हूँ"
My books are available for free reading
Yes, I have a name and a face but I do not feel very proud of either of them, basically because I have no contribution in obtainining either of them.
Yes, I feel gratitude towards the two and towards my parents, who provided me with this identity that fetches me love, affection and respect from fellow beings.
But if my name and face can help feed a hungry child, I will not hesitate to use it with conviction as many times as is necessary and with total disregard for any embarassment, humiliation or disrespect that might come my way for doing the same.
A practicing Karma Yogi, an Ex-Army Officer and a 'World Record Holder' in adventure Sports, Navin Gulia is a multiple award winning, internationally acclaimed, Author, Adventurer, Thinker, Orator and Social Worker.
He writes in three languages and is known for his work for the welfare of underprivileged children.
* He is a World Record Holder in adventure sports driving, for driving non-stop from New Delhi to the world’s highest mountain pass Marsimik La at 18,632 feet, in 55 hours of non-stop driving. A record that stands unbeaten till today.
* He is a writer and writes in three languages. His English book ‘In Quest of the Last Victory’ published by Pearson Longman, is a best seller in its category and so is his Hindi book ‘Veer Usko Janiye’ published by Prabhat Prakashan.
* His book "Gandhi banaam Bhagat - ek sant ek Sainik" is a comparative study of the two legends of Indian independence struggle, highlighting how the philosophies and lives of these two individuals, who have often been pitted against one another, were so similar.
* An internationally acclaimed orator, he has been invited to eight different TEDx talks and has spoken at premiere institutions like IIMs, IITs, XLRI, National Defense Academy, Indian Military Academy, Officers Training Academy, educational institutions, sports teams, corporate and MNC management teams across the country and the world.
* He is a social worker and works for the welfare of the underprivileged children from the marginalised sections of the society, living in remote areas.
"I have no existence in this world except for my Karma" - Karma Yogi
Copyright © 2019 Karma Yogi